
Bacon Roses

Why go with the everyday bouquet of flowers when you can give someone a more delicious treat! Perfect for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries or just to say I love you, these yummy bacon roses are sure to be a big hit.

Bacon Roses

All you need for this project is a package of bacon, toothpicks, wooden skewers and green floral tape.

First pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees F. Then roll each piece of bacon into a rose and secure with two toothpicks.

I used an entire package of bacon and ended up with a dozen roses.

Now bake for 30 minutes. Meanwhile start wrapping your wooden skewers in the green floral tape. Make as many as you need, I made twelve.

When your roses are done, take them out and let them cool before handling them.

Bacon Roses

Stick each rosebud on a green skewer and arrange in a vase. And voila! You have an amazing surprise for your special someone. Hopefully they will share with you, enjoy!

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